Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Be yourself....

Lately, Rihanna has been catching a lot of flack for being photographed smoking marijuana. Now, currently she is one of the reining females on the charts. She has one of the largest twitter /facebook accounts out right now with her calling her fans and followers her "NAVY". The girl is 24 and vacationing. In my opinion, she is having the fun and growing experiences that other ppl this age have...just in the public eye. Rihanna has a hold of her career and has had a successful career amid the "issues" with Chris Brown. I say let her do what she wants. There are plenty of celebs who are abusers and rapist and drunk drivers and we love em anyway. Rihanna just is happy doing her and living life.

Nobody has died from it like other celeb fixes.Like she stated RiRi " ran out of f****to give!" The world is always watching no matter what you do...and ill say this: 
A girl should be two things: who and what she wants.” ― Coco Chanel

                            Herb is the healing of a nation, alcohol is the destruction.  ~Bob Marley
Quote for Lindsey LohanDrunk and famous (40 pics)

Drunk and famous (40 pics)NOOOOO TINA...NO!Drunk and famous (40 pics)I dont even know which one this is!Drunk and famous (40 pics)Drunk and famous (40 pics)Drunk and famous (40 pics)

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