Thursday, April 26, 2012

Home at Home...

My mental image when I try to relax. 
Being born in Puerto Rico you enjoy that sunshine and good vibes that a day at the Beach would get you. However, being stuck inside a house in Chicagoland in a cold wet April.....not so great!!

Oftentimes, people who move away from their homeland or hometown and suffer the miserable " Back home Syndrome".  You will often hear them say " this is better at home" or That is better. No disrespect to anyone but those individuals are not trying to put you down ( sometimes). Small conversations with these people ruffle up long lost things/ideas that they forgot they liked...the small comforts of "home" .

There is no problem if this is you. Everyone deserves to keep a little of the homeland in their current home whether it be in forms of food,decor, or scents. When I moved back to Chicago from Puerto Rico for the 2nd time, I terribly missed the salty air, the bright colors, the food etc.

I went to my local Walmart trying to find the right shades and textures. Of course, the overpriced "tropical" themed things were nothing that I was looking for. Alternatively, I chose the DIY approach. I spray painted small nick knacks in bright colors for the bookshelves. I found an old wicker couch with a really worn out cushion....BONUS! The couch was painted a deep orange and the cushion replaced by my local craft supply store. Definitely a favorite piece. I decided that the element I was going to concentrate on was that feeling I got from my grandmothers house.

My grandmothers house feels open and fresh and has this great smell after she mops and wipes everything. I enjoy using the cleaning products that are used over there. Surprisingly, they are actually slightly cheaper than the well known brands. That is great because when I walk through my door at the end of the day and see color ( not like at work) and I can conjured up a smile with a deep breath....its all worth it!!!

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.  ~Anthony J. D'Angelo

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